Who we are

About the company

Forestlaan provides comprehensive services in the purchase, sale, management, and maintenance of agricultural land and forest estates. The company was established in September 2021 through the merger of FINE DREAM, FROST FLOWER, and DOOKU GROUP. Since all three companies operated in the same field, the merger under one entity was a logical step. Forestlaan is a new entity that will play a significant role in the land market due to its size. As of the merger date, the company owns over 11.5 thousand hectares, including approximately 6 thousand hectares of agricultural land and 5.5 thousand hectares of forests. The merger also brings various positive synergistic effects, ranging from more rational financing of the company to significant operational cost savings.

Forestlaan builds on the extensive expertise and unique know-how of FINE DREAM, which has been in the market for over fifteen years. The core strategy involves purchasing larger tracts of land in both Bohemia and Moravia, and in already developed areas, we also purchase smaller parcels. These are long-term investments, and our aim is not to speculate on land price increases. Forestlaan leases agricultural land to farmers interested in cultivating it, while we manage the forest land ourselves. We also offer wood for sale from our own forests, including high-quality saw logs and wood material, as well as firewood.

How we manage

Strategy for sustainable forest management

Forestlaan manages its forests according to principles of sustainability and balance. The goal is to preserve and enhance the area and condition of the forests so that they can be passed on to future generations in the same or even better condition. In the past two years alone, we have planted over a million new trees.Sustainable management means overseeing and utilizing the forest in a manner and to an extent that maintains biodiversity, productivity, regeneration capacity, vitality, and its ability to fulfill—both now and in the future—the most important ecological, economic, and social functions not only at the local level but also at national and global levels, without negatively impacting other ecosystems.

The criteria for sustainable management that we follow are:

  • Preservation and appropriate development of forest resources and their contribution to the global carbon cycle,
  • Preservation of the health and vitality of forest ecosystems,
  • Preservation and support of the forest's production function (both timber and non-timber products),
  • Preservation, protection, and appropriate development of the biodiversity of forest ecosystems,
  • Preservation and appropriate development of the forest's protective functions (especially soil and water protection),
  • Preservation of other socio-economic functions and conditions.

A particularly relevant topic today is the adaptation of forests to ongoing climate changes. We understand that there is no single solution for adaptation; instead, it requires a combination of measures that exhibit both synergistic and sometimes conflicting effects. We are gradually incorporating these measures into forest management planning.